Sunday 1 December 2013

My Memory's At Richmond school

My Memory's  at Richmond school

Hi it is Noa again. I would like to share with you some of my best memories at Richmond school . My best memory was the strum, strike, blow music festival at the CBS Arena. Because most of Richmond school went and played the ukulele and some of Room 1 and 2 signed the song paradise while Room 3 played to it. I also wrote a recount about going there and this is what I wrote.

On Wednesday 18 my school and I went to the CBS Arena for the strum Strum, Strike, blow festival and it was the first time it was being held in Christchurch. When we got to the CBS Arena we went to the practice where we played our songs. Then came the real thing at 6.30pm and finished at 8.30. The concert was really cool and our parents loved it to. In opinion I think the Strum, Strike, Blow festival was my best memory.

It will be so sad leaving this school at the end of the year but we will have good years at our next school is well. 

Ps. My picture is about Monster Smash, the CBS Arena and the Haglund ride at the Antarctic centre.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Top Team Challenge

Top Team Challenge 

On the 29th of October 2013 we had the top team challenge. The top team challenge is hosted by Sports Canterbury. We also invited Linwood North, Shirley  Primary, Banks Avenue and Seabrook mackenzie. 
The challenges were the question of balance, the caterpillar, memory maze, sack race, hoop toss, egg and spoon race, jig saw and the puzzle.

I thought the top team challenge was a bit boring because we had to wait for a long time and when I had to hold on to the tar pollen it made my arms really sore especially when the game started.

In my opinion I think my team had a good time but at the end I got a bit bored.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

The Flick it on challenge

 Hi I am going to tell you about the " Flick it on challenge" my class and I are doing. In the flick it on challenge we have to make a silent movie, the movie has to be one minute long, we had to include the time 3:15, a magic trick and a rubrics cube. We were also allowed to choose our theme, our theme was how education has changed over the years.
 There are two other schools from up north and the USA involved with our movie. When our school, the school up north and the school in the USA have finished we send our movies to each other.The school in the US will put the music in. Then they send the movie to the school up north, they will put the dialogue in and then they send it back to us. 
Then we get to watch the movie and the same thing happens to the other schools movies. When we all have finished their movies we send them back to the school up north and the school in the US so we can watch the finished product. The theme we have chosen is looking at how children have learnt over time but their movies maybe about something totally different.
 We started with the Pre European Scene which we filmed at Willow Bank at the little maōri village, the actors were John, Rodney, Salote, Jakita, Hannah and I. In Ferrymead we filmed the Early European scene in the cramped up class room. The class was cramped the class had a two rows of three wide desks and a row of five small desks.
I have really enjoyed this challenge and learnt a lot. 

Monday 2 September 2013

MineCraft Grand Class Design

Today I would like to tell you about Minecraft. Minecraft is a little world made from little bricks and you can build anything you want. The city council asked my class mates and I to designing and build 12 classrooms for 2014. We have had to make sure it had two or more exits, enough windows to let in light. We also had to include reading, writing and math centres. Our designs needed a good water supply, a good place to build, any shape and size class rooms, suitable storage, sufficient heating and the class needs to house at least 15 students and a teacher. 
First we had to draw a picture looking into the class from a birds eye view.Then we listed what we 
wanted in our class like a swimming pool and a computer room. Only then did we get to design our class on Minecraft. At first we couldn't have a two story class but when my teacher found that we wanted to design multi level classes she let us. When we were finished we got to build a house. 

In my opinion I think Minecraft is a good app for designing buildings and anything you want.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Our Hui

This term we have been talking a lot about sharing our ideas and it all starts with me then I can share my ideas with my friends, my school, my community then the world.

 When it was VSA day every person donated about 2$ each and that money will go to teachers to go to the pacific and teach and they don't get payed. We all dressed up on VSA day to show friend ship to are friends across the pacific. 

We also donated generously on Red Nose Day. Because we have shared our resources, our money, we are helping other children get the medical treatment they need to  get better. 

On Daffodil day we gave more money. The money we gave will help kids, teenagers and adults with cancer and we dressed up in yellow.
I think these days were fun and I liked donating for VSA day,  Red Nose Day and Daffodil day because my money has gone to people in need.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Ukulele concert

Yesterday we had a ukulele performance in the library. After all of our friends and family had arrived Room1 started with the songs Row row row your boat and Wheels on the bus. Then Room 2's songs were This old man and If you,re happy and you know it. Finally, Room 3 played and sang the songs Don't worry Be Happy and YMCA. The grand finale was when the teachers played Superman, Let It Be, The Show and I'm Your.